
Hotel Matts belongs to the Finnish hotel and restaurant chain Kassiopeia Hotels & Restaurants. The way we operate matters to the environment and people. It is important to us to be involved in developing more sustainable and responsibly produced services and experiences.

Environmental Responsibility

At the beginning of 2024, Hotel Matts was awarded the Nordic Swan Ecolabel (license number: 40550580) for its environmental efforts. The label is granted by Ecolabelling Finland.

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel has several criteria that support us in operating with respect for the environment:

  • Waste is sorted, and efforts are made to reduce its volume.
  • Our restaurant offers a wide selection of vegetarian and organic dishes.
  • Environmentally certified products and services are prioritized in procurement.
  • The hotel maintains low energy and water consumption.
  • Staff receive training on environmental matters.

Social Responsibility

A motivated and skilled staff is the driving force behind our operations! We build social responsibility through the following actions:

  • We conduct regular employee satisfaction surveys and strive to address any challenges that arise, using the feedback to improve our operations.
  • Our work environment is inclusive, equal, and fair for everyone.
  • We reward our staff for outstanding performance with “Well Done” bonuses.
  • The safety of our customers and staff is of utmost importance to us. We ensure annual safety training for our staff and comply with inspections by authorities. We also train our staff in data security practices.

Economic and Governance Responsibility

We are a Finnish company, and we pay our taxes in Finland. We take pride in contributing to the growth of tourism within Finland, thereby creating job opportunities and supporting the local economy.

Kassiopeia applies for the Sustainable Travel Finland label for several of its locations

Kassiopeia Hotels & Restaurants has initiated the process of applying for the Sustainable Travel Finland (STF) label for several of its locations. 

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Responsible Hotel Stay

Our customers also have the opportunity to make a difference. Check out tips for a responsible visit at!

Responsible Events

Find tips for a responsible event visit and guidance for organizing sustainable meetings on