Pariskunta Hotel Mattsin huoneessa ja kilistelee kuohuvaa.

Why book directly from us? See all benefits


A Room for Kids

Our connecting Standard rooms are ideal for family accommodations.

  • A separate room for children (ages 7-16) connected to the parents’ room from €65 / night

Two Standard rooms can be connected, providing separate spaces for parents and children, each with its own bathroom and hallway entrance. When the connecting door is open, you can enjoy the spaciousness of two rooms together, or close it to create distinct spaces.

Book connecting Standard rooms: Tel. +358 29 308 0440 |

Senior Discount

Spend a day in a stylish hotel while exploring Espoo or Helsinki! The West Metro brings you directly to the hotel, making it easy to reach Helsinki’s attractions.

  • Accommodations at a senior rate -20% off the daily rate

The discount is available from Monday to Thursday (for guests 65 and older or with a pensioner’s card). Use the promo code: PROSEN to get the senior rate.