Hotel Levi Panoraman vastaanotto

Why book directly with Hotel Levi Panorama?

When you book a hotel room directly with us, either through our website, by phone, or by email, you’ll get access to great benefits!

Gondola tickets are included in room rate

The Express Gondola tickets are included in the price of a room that is booked directly with us (when the gondola is open). Some special offers or event rates may be exceptions to this. You´ll always know what’s included in the price when booking on our website!

Better service

Modifying bookings and other transactions are smoother and easier when you book a hotel room directly with us. If you book from an external online travel agency, any changes must be made through them. With us, you’ll receive personal and fast service, and you can always reach us by phone!

No hidden fees

The room rate booked through us always includes taxes, and we don’t charge booking or service fees.

Special requests prioritized

We consider all special requests, but we prioritize the requests of customers who have booked directly with us.

Join as a Star Member now!

Best deals

Our loyalty program offers a 10% discount on the daily hotel room rate only for room bookings made directly with us. If you book from an external online travel agency, the loyalty program discount cannot be applied to the room rate.

Free room upgrade

We offer a free room upgrade for rooms booked directly through us (for Star Member loyalty program members, subject to availability).

Late check-out

We offer late check-out at 2 PM for rooms booked directly through us (for Star Member loyalty program members, subject to availability).