Hotel info / Wellness
Our hotel does not have wellness services, but Levi Centre has several excellent options for this purpose.
Rela-hierojat Massage
Address: Myllyjoentie 2, 99130 Levi
Phone: +358 (0)600 13811
Bookings online
Massages are offered at special rates for our hotel guests when you show your room key.
25-minute massage €25
(normally starting from €33)
50-minute massage €49
(normally starting from €65)
75-minute massage €70
(normally starting from €98)
Hot stone massage 40 min €49
(normally starting from €65)
Day Spa Studio Feel It
Address: Levintie 1590 (in the building of the spa and Burger King), 99130 Levi
Phone: +358 (0)40 4110095
Bookings online
Wellness treatments, foot and hand care, facial treatments, massages, Lapland treatments, hair, nails and eyelashes, waxing, makeup
Relax Center
Relax Center Lapland Sensation Spa
Hotel Hullu Poro features a Lapland-themed establishment where trained massage therapists, beauticians, and Personal Trainers also serve.
Address: Rakkavaarantie 3, 99130 Levi.
Phone: +358 (0)16 6510 700
Relax Center Beauty and Beyond Levi
Located in the centre of Levi, this establishment focuses on trends and effective beauty treatments. They offer hairdressers, beauticians, lash and nail technicians, as well as visiting stars from the world of aesthetic treatments and pigmentation.
Address: Hiihtäjänkuja 10, 99130 Levi.
Phone: +358 (0)16 6510 700